Peace for Kyiv


Mit meiner Komposition für Gitarre Solo PEACE FOR KYIV, Suite op.7, komponiert im Jahr 2015 in Kiev anlässlich des Krim-Konflikts, aufgenonommen auf meinem Album "Kiss of Life", möchte ich musikalisch Frieden an Kiew und an die Ukraine aussenden.

Peace for Kyiv
Suite op.7

I Traces of the past
Walking through beautiful Kyiv,
meeting traces of the past…

II Holy Virgin Oranta
Upon entering Saint Sophia Cathedral
there She is – omnipresent:
Holy Virgin Oranta,
protecting, praying, defending her nation.

III Is it war again – still?
Just as it has been so many times before…
But She remains protecting
and defending through her sacred beauty,
her mystic aura wards off all enemies and turns darkness into light…

IV Prayer for Peace
Suddenly sounds of Bandura strings…
praying for peace…metamorphosing
until their prayers are answered.